Spanish guidelines “Circular 1/2016”, on the criminal liability of legal persons determines the obligation of companies to integrate into their processes a system of protection known as regulatory compliance; this seeks to establish appropriate policies and procedures to ensure that a company, including its executives, employees and related agents, as suppliers, comply with the applicable regulatory framework.
Compliance is part of the company's culture and seeks to internalise respect for the law as a source of inspiration for all processes and systems.
Grupo Cabeza is committed to adopt this culture and integrate all the necessary measures to prevent, detect and correct those conducts that are against the law and the rights of the people, especially the fight against corruption and bribery. Therefore, as a strategic plan, it has adopted and developed all the necessary actions to implement a code of ethics and a criminal risk prevention and anti-corruption model, as the first steps to establish a regulatory compliance management system.
Grupo Cabeza has implemented an ethical channel through which its employees, executives or those who have a relationship with the Group's companies can communicate possible irregularities or non-compliance of which they are aware. If you wish to make a communication, you can send it to We remind you that all communications received through the ethical channel are strictly confidential and that persons who communicate in good faith will not suffer reprisals for such communication.
*Grupo Cabeza will use your personal data in order to effectively manage your communication and investigate the facts communicated through this channel, based on your legitimate interest in knowing and investigating the commission of internal or legal regulatory breaches, as well as your consent to provide us with your personal information. For further information, you may consult our Privacy Policy or contact Grupo Cabeza, through the e-mail